Tips to Select Best Preschool for Your Kid

The second most important decision you will make as a parent — apart from deciding to have the kid in the first place — is deciding which school for them to enroll in. Being parent make you the sole responsible person for the overall growth and development of your kid. The first step of development is definitely finding the most appropriate school for study. Preschool can be underrated by many parents because they think a child is not that mature to learn the things, but as they say that a good foundation leads to a better tomorrow and so does a preschool. Make the right decision and you could put them on a path toward lifelong learning, a prestigious college education and a successful career. Choose wrong, and well, you know. Talk about pressure. You know why preschool admission is tough because everyone wants to give best to their kid. If you are also in the urge to select the best preschool for your kid then today in this blog I am going to tell you all the important things that you should consider before making your decision. So, here are the tips that would aid you in selecting the best preschool for your kid.

Choose a School with Good Parent Teacher Interaction

Your child is just learning to speak when you enroll him in a preschool. So, always select the one that would let him express himself well. The connection between child and teacher is more important than any curriculum. For instance: your 3- or 4-year-old is accustomed to being surrounded by loving people, their parents and siblings 24/7, and school is their first time spending a large portion of their day away from those people. You want to look for a preschool teacher who is very engaged. Have a conversation with a prospective teacher about their current classroom. They should be able to speak about individual student’s strengths and weaknesses and be well informed of their background, interests, emotional and academic achievements.

little honey preschool kidsThe Early Years: Words, Words, Words

I have already this point above and here is the further elaboration to this. Your child should be surrounded with words, especially in the early years. You want to look for books in the classroom and be sure the class makes regular visits to the library. You also want to ensure the teacher sets aside lots of time for reading, reading instruction and storytelling. In the preschool and kindergarten years, be sure the teacher is providing the building blocks for learning to read. They should focus on syllabication, e.g., “B makes the ‘bah’ sound” and “the boy had a big blue ball.”

Math Cannot Be an Afterthought

Apart from the growth, intelligence level of your child should also increase and this will come if they have a great curriculum surrounded with maths. From the first days of school, your kids should be exposed to math concepts. When your child is preschool age, what you need to know is this: there is no need to wait until children are older and are able to think and speak in more abstract ways to introduce math concepts. A certain kind of math ability seems to be innate in all of us and has been measured days after birth. Which means, in your child’s preschool class you should hear teachers discussing basic math concepts with students. Things like greater than, less than, bigger, smaller and reinforcing the number concept (“How much is three?”). As a parent you can follow up on these things at home by doing something as simple as counting the number of Cheerios in the morning.

Don’t Focus Too Much on Standardized-Test Scores

Test scores are important but not always, especially when your child is in the learning stage. Sometimes, good play school little honeytest scores can be an indication that a school is doing a very good job of educating its students, but other times it can be an indication that the school is teaching to the test. Standardized tests only measure about a third of the curriculum that should be being taught in the school, which means if the school is only teaching the test material, your child is missing out on a lot. Ideally, a school will teach a rich and complicated curriculum. Wherein students get a tremendous amount of information, with the test answers embedded throughout. Instead, ask to see the desegregated test results that break out various student populations. Focus on the English-language-learning students — even if your child is not one of them — those students are the hardest to teach and are often the lowest quartile, so if their scores are going up, that really says something about the school.

There Is No Excuse for a School Day with No Recess

Apart from the obvious physical benefits of aerobic exercise, studies have shown recess also increases cognitive functioning, she said. Tyre has seen elementary schools built without playgrounds, schools functioning like boot camps or reading-and-math factories, based on the idea that more instructional time means more learning. Avoid those schools. Kids need downtime — a break from the rigor. Twenty minutes a day, at least. The same is true for middle-school and high school students — they need breaks too.

Teachers Matter — Even More than You Think

Last but not the least a good teacher is the one who would lead the way to success of your child. While not even a super teacher can entirely alleviate the effects of poverty on students, excellent teachers not only teach more, but they can even accelerate the rate of learning among their students. And good schools champion great teachers. They grow them. Look for schools that provide teachers with mentors, instruction and discussion of best practices. Find a school where the teachers are not being treated as interchangeable cogs.

The Bottom Line

If you are in the stage to choose a preschool for your child then definitely you are under a great responsibility. You should consider checking it on each and every aspect. A reputed name like The Little Honey could be a great choice. They are running successful preschools across the country and are committed to provide the best facilities that would ensure the overall growth of your child.

little honey preschool

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