What Are The 12 Signs Of Bad Parenting?

There are few questions whose answers we always assume to be a no. But, the scenario is something different. Parenting is the burning topic not only for today but since ages. Parents are always concerned about the growth and development of their child and this is what parenting is all about. But there is a question that haunts everyone and that question is, does bad parenting really exist?

It seems to be a myth to most parents because parents do not want anything bad for their kids. The answer to this is unfortunately, bad parenting exists. Parents sometimes indulge in detrimental parenting, leaving a long-lasting effect on the child. It could be unintentional, but the damage is done. At the end seeing the result, it really doesn’t matter how much efforts you put everything vanishes and you start asking yourself, ‘am I a bad parent?’

Well, what worse is even, you may not realize your moments of bad parenting. To help the parents in complete growth and development of their child and to ensure that nothing goes wrong in parenting, here I am with this blog, which will tell you everything about bad parenting.

Along with this, you will also get to know about  What Are The 12 Signs Of Bad Parenting? . Definitely, these all things are going to work out for you. I am sure that by the end of this blog, you will be educated enough to a good parenting.

What Is Bad Parenting?

The definition of bad parenting is not a single act of poor nurturing but rather a series of such actions that invariably harm the little one’s demeanor and psychology. A parent may feel guilty and will try to reconcile, but it often yields poor results. Unsurprisingly, many parents do not realize their folly since the deed was unintentional or perhaps they are too busy to learn to be an active parent. Most of the time parents are not aware that whatever they are doing is not right and this is what gears up bad parenting.

What Are The Signs Of Bad Parenting?

Several parenting incidences point towards being a bad parent. Here are some unintentional things you could be doing to fit the label of being a bad mother or father:

What Are The 12 Signs Of Bad Parenting?#1 Not Encouraging Truth of Child:

The child did something wrong and acknowledged it, nevertheless, you scold him for committing a mistake. And you have forgotten that he was courageous enough to be truthful. This is something that most of the parents do and by the end they are left with a child that would not gather enough courage to speak again.

#2 Scolding and Punishing Child in Front of Everyone

A child is too concerned about his dignity and pride. If you will encourage and scold your child in front of everyone every time then, you are actually turning towards bad parenting. There is no hesitation in castigating the little one irrespective of the place and the people. You scold him in front of his siblings, grandparents, cousins, and even the neighbours.

#3 Advising More, Encouraging Less

Being a parent, you need to be supportive always towards your child. All you do is tell him how to do things (“You should wake up early for better grades.”) rather than encourage him with positive words (“You are far intelligent dear. I’ll help you wake up early to get better grades.”)

#4 Failing to Show Affection

Ever wondered why your child is always trying to get your attention by troubling you with naughty tricks? It is quite likely that he feels a lack of emotional connect and warmth from his parents.

#5 Being Less Supportive When Child Needs it The MostWhat Are The 12 Signs Of Bad Parenting?

Don’t forget that your child is much more dependent on you and if you fail to support your child then you are making him to lose his confidence. It could be your child’s school examination time when he needs a lot of support from you. But you focus on your official work or another commitment, which makes the child feel neglected.

#6 Comparing Child with Someone Else

Every child is different and so as yours. It is good to set positive role models for your child, but always comparing him with someone, especially a sibling or the child next door, is a sign of bad parenting.

#7 Not Being Proud of Child’s Achievement

You are supposed to boost up moral of your child always and if you fail to do so, you are failing in so many matters. You express no excitement or joy when your kid comes home beaming with pride about his win in a contest. In fact, there have been few instances of pride in your parenthood.

#8 Criticizing Tone

You see everything the child does in a negative light, and are always critical of him. This is different from not appreciating something since there you are indifferent, but here you just disapprove everything.

What Are The 12 Signs Of Bad Parenting?

#9 Making No Effects to Understand and Encourage His Feelings

Children are very sensitive. If you fail to put efforts to understand and encourage his feelings then you are losing something very important in your life. You may spend a lot of time in teaching good things but never spare a moment to understand the little one’s opinion and feelings. Every time he shares something, you rule it out as gibberish and do not take it seriously.

#10 Not Showing Right Ways to Do Things

It is not just about showing the path but also walking with the child for the first few steps. Investing more in actions than words is important.

#11 Setting Poor Examples

Whatever you are going to tell your child, it is going to be with them for a longer time. Children learn habits, whether good or bad, from their parents. If the child does something wrong and inappropriate, then spare a moment to introspect for he may have learnt it from you.

#12 Not Offering Chance to Child

Parents decide everything for their children, from the school they study to the clothes they wear. In this process, you tend to get rigid to the point that you forget to give a choice to the child. That makes the child yearn for other things, and in some cases, he will not hesitate even to steal it.

The Bottom Line

If you want the complete growth and development of your child then you need to grow first. A good playschool is the foundation stone for good career and behaviour of your child too. You should take each and every decision of your child’s life well.

What Are The 12 Signs Of Bad Parenting?

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